Monday, April 13, 2020

An American Hero Essays - , Term Papers, Research Papers

An American Hero The American Hero War, defined in the dictionary as the fighting between nations or groups of people in a nation. The term war to me means not hate and death, but history and pain. Looking back into the past, the most influential war that ever took place in the world, was World War II. When thinking about whom I should interview for my report, I could only think about my interests in the war. So I found a man who had fought in the war for two years, and had had many hardships there. My interview was of a man whom had flown in the 101st airborne. His name is Walter Heatherly, a decorated hero of the past. As I walked into Mr. Heatherlys house, the first sight that hits your eyes is a nazi flag hanging on the wall. I was astounded to see an American have such a horrible object, as the nazi flag, even in their house. Mr. Heatherly saw my look of astonishment and laughed. He explained to me that the nazi flag on his wall was one, which his platoon had taken during the war. Upon closer examination I saw that around the edge of the flag were hundreds of American signatures. Mr. Heatherly told me he kept this on the wall for two reasons, one for pride, and the other for the mourning of his lost comrades. The feeling of pride he said came from the winning of the war, and the knowledge that you were the big dog in the world. The mourning aspect was in remembrance of his lost friends and soldiers. Upon entering the house and seeing the nazi flag, and learning of its purpose, I knew my choice for the interview was a good one. After my encounter with the flag, Mr. Heatherly and I sat down to begin the interview. We started with his early days in the war. Mr. Heatherly was involved with what is called the 101st airborne. These were the men whom were the first to go into battle. Mr. Heatherly remembers having one hundred pounds of gear strapped to him at one time. At the start of his career in the war, he was a reserve jumper. He was the reserve for a paratrooper on D-day who unfortunately died. With the death of this man it was Mr. Heatherlys turn to do the fighting. Mr. Heatherly said that upon receiving this letter, he felt as if his life had ended. His heart had turned to pieces, and his body was full of fright. The letter said he was to jump somewhere in Holland. The Americans were making an attempt to liberate the country and take a stronghold away from Germany. The evening of the jump came and Mr. Heatherly said he felt like running away. He told me that even though he wanted to go home, he said he ha d a feeling inside that everything was going to be all right in the end. He said the airplane flight was long and slow. It took what seemed like five hours he said, when it was only fourty-five minutes. Once over Holland Mr. Heatherly said he could here loud explosions going off in the air. As he stepped to the edge to jump, he felt a great push on his back. In the air he turned to see who was next, but what he saw he would remember the rest of his life. Mr. Heatherly turned only to see that his plane had been shot and blown to pieces by a bomb. The man who had pushed him saved his life! At this point I looked into his eyes, and tears were starting to form. I could see in his eyes that he felt he had a non-payable debt to society, and whoever had pushed him off that plane would be in his heart forever. This was a heartbreaking moment in his life, he said. We stopped the interview for about fifteen minutes to get a drink, because I could tell the emotional stress of the past was very overwhelming for Mr. Heatherly. Upon restarting the interview Mr. Heatherly told me something that I could never understand, but

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